If you are EXIsTing, prove it.

-In these silences, something may rise-

EXIsT music is a non-profit arts / music and social awareness label / organization comprised of musicians in the New England / Pioneer valley left disenchanted by the no-show of support by their town for their town's art and music talent, especially that shown by the youth of the area. There are many artists reaching for those seemingly intangible grapes at the top of that fabled tree, and they need yr help.

As well as keeping track of and promoting the valley's arts scene in general, we'll also be releasing some of the music that this town's youth has been producing over the past decade, that has not had the chance to be heard by the majority of ears.

Out of the rubble left over from the scene that never was but could have been....a town filled with plenty of electricity, but no outlet.

-the best local music never heard-
-the best local music never scened-
-some existing, some existing only in memory...
-the WASTEfield mASS UNDER-underground movement.
-february 14th, 2002
JUSTin davIS

New Releases

The Fallen Stargazers and the Dreamcatchers
The Awful Din
The Fallen Stargazers and the Dreamcatchers

A Wish That Couldn't Be Real
Dead Man's Holiday
A Wish That Couldn't Be Real

In Waiting
In Waiting